It's been almost couple of weeks since I posted, but I would not like to vindicate by providing reasons of not putting up a post. Actually I vacillated mindfully (I think so) among a few things in order to formulate few more tactics on gre verbal. Eventually, I ended up with couple of things which are supposed to assist you in gre verbal and I will be discussing them in my subsequent posts. And to give you guys a perennial and palpable vocabulary without skimming over grotesque thesaurus or dictionary/lexicon, once again I am putting up here gre words- pictorially and contextually.
I am a biologist and forced to think rationally. Be it success or failure I need to see it empirically. But at times, science seems to be as quixotic as unseen mythological tale, and you have to think from heart. Lately, I happened to view a picture which was awarded 'Pultzir Prize' of 1994 (as shown in the picture; the eagle is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat him)The photograph symbolizes pinnacle of hunger, destitute, and the darker side of humanity suffering with poverty. In the canvas of fugacious life a seemingly inanimate child, here a sustenance for eagle, trying to make his way out of destiny. The hapless child crawling to reach a food camp, which perhaps he wouldn't happened to see- I just hope he survived. The haggard child, and a hungry eagle- it is not just two of them, there is an aery impuissance to which humanity seemed to have fallen pray- both are in the battle field of survival ship. And being a biologist I would see the incarnation of Darwinian theory- survival of the fittest- in such a manner, I never ever had imagined. But anyway that’s rules of nature- intangible but justified (though unwarranted to us).
Scientifically human life is beautiful colossal embodiment of infinitesimal molecules. But it's not enough for you to know about life. Instead, how these molecules orchestrate within the body to make it a functional, well designed paragon of complexity is something what you need to ingest before you come to any conclusion. And truly, life surrounds a lot more than just being a movable laboratory of subatomic particles, even though their organized interactions imbue us with emotions, thoughts, hunger, and with many more such humane feelings. Sometimes miniscule things matter a lot to us and many a times we just do not care about how people perceive us. All this is explainable scientifically- science certainly holds the nerve to decipher the code of life- but not unscientifically; wherein we feel the world philosophically. It might seem trite, whatever I am putting up here about life, but it does contain facts known to all of us. I wonder many a times how a positive news/attitude enlivens a vapid life making it variegated instantaneously. That is what called hormones or chemical messengers and their cadence in our mind fills us with feelings. And it keeps going until the dissolution of our body. In fact life is vital because it’s sporadic. It's irregular and discrete outburst of emotions- bound to time, space and person.
I assume I jabbered enough on my part to persuade you about the complexness of life. Though I was astonished to see such a harrowing conditions of human struggle, I thanked God for providing me with food and shelter. Humanity asks us nothing but for us to do our bit so that life can prosper all around on the earth.
(A) Vindicate- justify
(B) Vacillate, Waver, Hover- fluctuate/ be undecided about something
(C) Perennial, Recurrent- occurring again and again; A plant lasting three or more sessions
(D) Grotesque, Monstrous- Fantastic, Distorted and unnatural in shape or size/ large ; abnormal and hideous
(E) Pinnacle, Acme, Peak, Summit- Highest level or degree attainable
(F) Fugacious, Fleeting, Ephemeral- Short lived, lasting for short time, transitory
(G) Sustenance, Victual, Comestible- any substance that can be used as a food
(H) Hapless, Pathetic, Wretched- deserving or Inciting pity, pitiful
(I) Haggard, Gaunt, Cadaverous, Emaciated- Very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
(J) Colossal, Stupendous Prodigious- So great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe, enormous
(K) Trite, commonplace, Hackneyed- Repeated too often; over familiar through overuse
(L)Vapid, Insipid- Lacking taste or flavor, Lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest, DULL
(M) Variegated, Motleyed- Having a variety of colors
(N) Sporadic, Spasmodic, Intermittent, fitful- Recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances
(O) Harrowing, Agonizing- Extremely painful, distressing
Palpable ( perceivable); Lexicon (dictionary); Quixotic (idealistic and unrealistic); Destitute (poverty); Inanimate ( lifeless, appearing dead); Impuissance (helplessness); Unwarranted (unjustified); Infinitesimal (Infinitely or immeasurably small); Imbue (Spread or diffuse through); Miniscule ( very small); Cadence (rhythmic rise and fall); Astonished (stunned, Filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock); Jabber (chatter rapidly and unintelligibly)
I am a biologist and forced to think rationally. Be it success or failure I need to see it empirically. But at times, science seems to be as quixotic as unseen mythological tale, and you have to think from heart. Lately, I happened to view a picture which was awarded 'Pultzir Prize' of 1994 (as shown in the picture; the eagle is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat him)The photograph symbolizes pinnacle of hunger, destitute, and the darker side of humanity suffering with poverty. In the canvas of fugacious life a seemingly inanimate child, here a sustenance for eagle, trying to make his way out of destiny. The hapless child crawling to reach a food camp, which perhaps he wouldn't happened to see- I just hope he survived. The haggard child, and a hungry eagle- it is not just two of them, there is an aery impuissance to which humanity seemed to have fallen pray- both are in the battle field of survival ship. And being a biologist I would see the incarnation of Darwinian theory- survival of the fittest- in such a manner, I never ever had imagined. But anyway that’s rules of nature- intangible but justified (though unwarranted to us).
Scientifically human life is beautiful colossal embodiment of infinitesimal molecules. But it's not enough for you to know about life. Instead, how these molecules orchestrate within the body to make it a functional, well designed paragon of complexity is something what you need to ingest before you come to any conclusion. And truly, life surrounds a lot more than just being a movable laboratory of subatomic particles, even though their organized interactions imbue us with emotions, thoughts, hunger, and with many more such humane feelings. Sometimes miniscule things matter a lot to us and many a times we just do not care about how people perceive us. All this is explainable scientifically- science certainly holds the nerve to decipher the code of life- but not unscientifically; wherein we feel the world philosophically. It might seem trite, whatever I am putting up here about life, but it does contain facts known to all of us. I wonder many a times how a positive news/attitude enlivens a vapid life making it variegated instantaneously. That is what called hormones or chemical messengers and their cadence in our mind fills us with feelings. And it keeps going until the dissolution of our body. In fact life is vital because it’s sporadic. It's irregular and discrete outburst of emotions- bound to time, space and person.
I assume I jabbered enough on my part to persuade you about the complexness of life. Though I was astonished to see such a harrowing conditions of human struggle, I thanked God for providing me with food and shelter. Humanity asks us nothing but for us to do our bit so that life can prosper all around on the earth.
(A) Vindicate- justify
(B) Vacillate, Waver, Hover- fluctuate/ be undecided about something
(C) Perennial, Recurrent- occurring again and again; A plant lasting three or more sessions
(D) Grotesque, Monstrous- Fantastic, Distorted and unnatural in shape or size/ large ; abnormal and hideous
(E) Pinnacle, Acme, Peak, Summit- Highest level or degree attainable
(F) Fugacious, Fleeting, Ephemeral- Short lived, lasting for short time, transitory
(G) Sustenance, Victual, Comestible- any substance that can be used as a food
(H) Hapless, Pathetic, Wretched- deserving or Inciting pity, pitiful
(I) Haggard, Gaunt, Cadaverous, Emaciated- Very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
(J) Colossal, Stupendous Prodigious- So great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe, enormous
(K) Trite, commonplace, Hackneyed- Repeated too often; over familiar through overuse
(L)Vapid, Insipid- Lacking taste or flavor, Lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest, DULL
(M) Variegated, Motleyed- Having a variety of colors
(N) Sporadic, Spasmodic, Intermittent, fitful- Recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances
(O) Harrowing, Agonizing- Extremely painful, distressing
Palpable ( perceivable); Lexicon (dictionary); Quixotic (idealistic and unrealistic); Destitute (poverty); Inanimate ( lifeless, appearing dead); Impuissance (helplessness); Unwarranted (unjustified); Infinitesimal (Infinitely or immeasurably small); Imbue (Spread or diffuse through); Miniscule ( very small); Cadence (rhythmic rise and fall); Astonished (stunned, Filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise or shock); Jabber (chatter rapidly and unintelligibly)
This is a nicely written post. Very touching indeed. You seem to have a tender heart and an amazing skill to put emotion into words. Thank you for operating this blog. I am happy to be able to use it as an aide for my GRE preparation.
Thank you manali. It's always a pleasure!
I wish I could put my feelings just like you into the word. No doubth that you are the mentor I was looking for.
Thank you
It so generous of you...calling me a mentor. I am just here to help all you guys and to express my thoughts in a productive manner. Wish you luck!
common body, say something...
This is an excellent post, for those who are taking the GRE test.
GRE classes atlanta | GMAT Test prep Atlanta
Considering Verbal Learning the Words is highly essential to crack AWA,Sentence and Text Completion. Thanks for sharing the GRE Word List.
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