Tuesday, August 4, 2009

GRE online writing labs

Essay composition in GRE, in the issue and argument section, supposed to be the most intellectual task. One obvious question is, once you finished with your gre preparation- where to get your writing skills evaluated. There are number of paid services to assess your gre AWM (analytical writing measure) capabilities, but those who seek for any such service at free of cost have plenty of options now. Lets have a look:

http://www.bartleby.com/141/strunk5.html#9 ( describes the elementory parts of a composition; contains wonderful collection of fiction, poetry, and manuscripts- biggest advantage is you can actually scroll through different styles of English writing, which can help you ignite a thought process)
http://writing.wisc.edu/index.html ( UW Madison online writing lab. listen their podcasts, get customized help on your writing. Apart from that how to improve writing style, types of writing assessments- writing proposals, essays, reviews, literary text reading and analyzing, and a lot more. This is panacea for those who really want to make a mark in gre AWM section in spite of having moderate English writing skills)
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/724/01/ ( This would serve a true companion during your gre preparation if you follow it right from the day you register for a gre test. Writing demystified beautifully, check this link if you want to enjoy gre writing)
http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html ( The Chicago Manual of Writing- an indispensable source of gre writing)
http://www.cyberlyber.com/writing_centers_list.htm ( The writing garden- indeed, find here huge number of writing links; information about almost every online writing lab of US)
Although, I have enormous number of such web links. its not feasible to put them all here. If any of you require more info on that let me know please. You can either comment or write me email here- greblogg@gmail.com. In next post I will try to provide few vocab capsules.


Free GRE Practice Test said...

Thanks for sharing the GRE Verbal Suggestions..

Gregor Renk said...

Thanks for putting some as well. This has helped a lot. My exam is this year and I don’t feel like missing out on anything. I am glad we can find GMAT, SAT, ACT and LSAT Courses online very easily. This way a lot of our time is saved and we get more times to prepare.