Can you tell what makes this picture singular that made me put it here?
I saw here a seed is burgeoning, leaving behind the dormancy/quiescence, and ready to embark on the process of life. Additionally it reminds me of those wispy childhood memories when, inspired by curiosity, I sowed few red kidney beans in our backyard garden; which usually had an array of flower varieties all across. I, being a novice in gardening, just dumped the beans and irrigated with scintilla of water. This whole exercise substantially satiated my longing, as I was pursuing it for many weeks but my brother, who was the founder director of this beatific garden, would never let me do this. Meanwhile I became busy with my school work and literally forgot to pamper those beans. After a week, one morning I was immensely happy to see two tiny cotyledons emerging out few inches above the ground. But in no time I went lugubrious and hopelessly sad when I observed black patchy area around the periphery of cotyledons. But as they say, every dark cloud has a silver lining. I poured down some water across the plantlet and went to school. I was elated by the beauty of palpable life when one day I looked at the leaflets and found them all well. That pellucid foliage,now, which had just revived from pallid appearance, giving ostensibly the impression of ethereal life.
This picture, subsumes an allegory of its own untold to many; if looked vividly. One day might come when, because of paucity of space, we would grow plants in such a manner. This seems a little bizarre but not unlikely. Apart from this, we can also conclude/ infer, if cogitate philosophically, that this picturesque sky, plant and hand together putting up a rebus. And, to decipher this puzzle we certainly require to contemplate over our hazardous contribution to kill natural habitats just for the sake of industrialization, globalization and many more such, so called 'lizations'...
In the long run, enough of grilling you guys, lets windup giving an example of Keano Reeves' recent movie" The Day the Earth Still Stood". He was seen escalating the notion of "Save Nature". So before aliens come to our planet to save this inscrutable earth, better we take initiative to understand our mother Nature and revere it for its bestowing us with life.
Word groups:
(I) Burgeoning, Germinating, Sprouting, Pullulating: Produce buds, branches,germinate
(a) Allegory, Emblem, Parable, Apologue, Fable : A short moral story (often with animal characters)
(b) Bizarre, Outlandish, eccentric, Peculiar ( peculiar has lil positive meaning, like unique, singular of its kind): Conspicuously or grossly unconventional
(c) Pellucid, Limpid, Lucid, Perspicuous: (of a language) clearly expressed; Transmitting light, able to seen clearly with ( ~ air)
(d) Subsume, Include, Encompass: contain or include
(e) Paucity, Scarcity, Dearth, Famine: an insufficient quantity or number, shortage of something
(f) Hazardous, Perilous, Dangerous: Causing fear or anxiety, intend to harm
(g) Scintilla, Iota, Shred: A tiny or scarcely detectable amount
(h) Lugubrious, Dolorous, Lachrymose: showing sorrow, sorrowful
(i) Ostensibly, Seemingly, Evidently, Apparently: from appearances alone
(j) Cogitate, Cerebrate, Mull Over: Using mind or power of reasoning to come to conclusions
(k) Novice, Tyro, Beginner: somebody new in a field
(l) Inscrutable, Cryptic, Mysterious: of an obscure nature, not easily understandable
Other words: Vague ( not clearly understood); palpable ( perceivable, understandable); rebus( puzzle consisting of pictures); decipher( to decode); grill ( examine thoroughly); ethreal (Characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy/ Divine in nature); revere (idolize, worship)quiescence( inactive state); elated ( high in spirit, joyful); satiate ( to satisfy, overeat); wispy( faint, lacking clarity); singular ( unique, one of its kind); bestow ( provide or present a quality).
I hope this post will provide you few gre vocabulary used in contextual and pictorial manner. Please make your comments to tell me what other modifications you guys want in this style of learning words.
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Hey Thanks for sharing GRE Word List. Apart from GRE Quanti,It is important to concentrate more on Vocabulary as it Crucial.All the Best Friends.
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