With this picture in our mind lets move forward to learn few GRE words in this short narrative.
There is a blissful water fall which can be crossed on a makeshift bridge. This picture gives a glimpse of a typical rain forest/ pristine nature. But it seems human intervention ( clear by seeing this bridge), has started disturbing nature's ecosystem. We have seen in past the consequences of fomenting nature- such as sunami, massive earthquakes, cyclones etc. Nature is always tolerant of human interference up to a certain limit, contrary to we humans who are choleric living beings,but once limit is crossed, it tries to bring down the chaos with its torrential power in the form of natural calamities. Though we have added unseen amplitudes to our understandings, nevertheless,when it comes to knowing Nature we are just as vacuous/inane as we were at the dawn of evolution. We are adulterating the composure/fazing our environment with many harmful activities- one of them is Global warming. Undoubtedly, all these unwanted human activities add up to mercurial weather conditions- that is, cyclones, hurricanes and flood. I hope we could impart changes in our livings to save Nature, which is about to die if necessary measures not taken. Moreover, our knowledge, either its scientific or technological, looks handicapped and fallacious when disasters strike any where in the world and we are unable to combat Nature at any front. We should now, at least, prove to ourselves that we are not 'Dominant Animals' in this biosphere,rather 'Humans', and this could reflect if we respect Nature. Well I am sleepy...a bit, will sign off here, and yeah I am hearing this vociferous/blatant voices of a few stray dogs- which are, obviously, incoherent enough to kill sleep( whoa...whoaa...before you start using your mind I tell you; my room here is just the corner most with road passing by, so I can hear such raucous ragas of dogs in this silent summer night), so before I sleep I gave you last GRE word of this group as well- clement ( a mild summer:))
(a) Fallacious,fraudulent, deceitful- Intend to deceive
(b) Foment,stir up,instigate,agitate-Provoke, stimulate
(c) Celibacy, chastity, continence- Abstaining from sensual matters
(d) Choleric, hot-headed, irascible- Short tempered, bile nature, easily aroused to angry
(e) Fatuous, inane, vacuous,asinine-Showing lack of intelligence, stupid
(f) Faze, untune, discompose,enervate- Disturb the composure of
(g) Fickle,mercurial, changeable,erratic, unfaithful- Liable to sudden unpredictable change( e.g. weather)
(h) Blatant, vociferous,clamorous, strident- offensively loud ( e.g. ~ cry/ mob)
So this is the second list here. If you need any explanation/ help let me know through email or comment.
There is a blissful water fall which can be crossed on a makeshift bridge. This picture gives a glimpse of a typical rain forest/ pristine nature. But it seems human intervention ( clear by seeing this bridge), has started disturbing nature's ecosystem. We have seen in past the consequences of fomenting nature- such as sunami, massive earthquakes, cyclones etc. Nature is always tolerant of human interference up to a certain limit, contrary to we humans who are choleric living beings,but once limit is crossed, it tries to bring down the chaos with its torrential power in the form of natural calamities. Though we have added unseen amplitudes to our understandings, nevertheless,when it comes to knowing Nature we are just as vacuous/inane as we were at the dawn of evolution. We are adulterating the composure/fazing our environment with many harmful activities- one of them is Global warming. Undoubtedly, all these unwanted human activities add up to mercurial weather conditions- that is, cyclones, hurricanes and flood. I hope we could impart changes in our livings to save Nature, which is about to die if necessary measures not taken. Moreover, our knowledge, either its scientific or technological, looks handicapped and fallacious when disasters strike any where in the world and we are unable to combat Nature at any front. We should now, at least, prove to ourselves that we are not 'Dominant Animals' in this biosphere,rather 'Humans', and this could reflect if we respect Nature. Well I am sleepy...a bit, will sign off here, and yeah I am hearing this vociferous/blatant voices of a few stray dogs- which are, obviously, incoherent enough to kill sleep( whoa...whoaa...before you start using your mind I tell you; my room here is just the corner most with road passing by, so I can hear such raucous ragas of dogs in this silent summer night), so before I sleep I gave you last GRE word of this group as well- clement ( a mild summer:))
(a) Fallacious,fraudulent, deceitful- Intend to deceive
(b) Foment,stir up,instigate,agitate-Provoke, stimulate
(c) Celibacy, chastity, continence- Abstaining from sensual matters
(d) Choleric, hot-headed, irascible- Short tempered, bile nature, easily aroused to angry
(e) Fatuous, inane, vacuous,asinine-Showing lack of intelligence, stupid
(f) Faze, untune, discompose,enervate- Disturb the composure of
(g) Fickle,mercurial, changeable,erratic, unfaithful- Liable to sudden unpredictable change( e.g. weather)
(h) Blatant, vociferous,clamorous, strident- offensively loud ( e.g. ~ cry/ mob)
So this is the second list here. If you need any explanation/ help let me know through email or comment.
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